Community Groups

Let’s Do Life Together!

A time of fellowship and intentional discussion

What to expect

Community group is a casual conversation facilitated by a community group leader, with the primary topic being this weeks sermon. This is usually prompted by questions found on the Sunday morning bulletin or below which are directly related to the preaching and the text. You can expect community to last 90 minutes with times to fellowship throughout.

Join us for Community Group

6:00 pm Thursdays

5411 Ripplemead Ct, Galloway

4:00 pm Sundays

4137 Grant St, Hilliard


4:00 pm Sundays

1044 Cherry Bud Dr, Columbus

6:00 pm Wednesday

151 S. Center Street, West Jefferson

Childcare is provided.

Didn’t make it on Sunday? Join us anyways! Our preaching and discussion are always based on the text, so you’ll have enough context to follow. Or you can listen to a recording from this week!

Community Group discussion is aided by questions drawn from key texts.

This Week's Questions

  1. Have a few people in the group share about how they came to faith in Jesus.

  2. What do you look forward to most about heaven? Why?

  3. What does it mean to live by faith?

At Redemption Hill, we believe that God calls his people as a church, a living body, made of living and breathing people (not a building of brick and mortar!) to “do life together”. Community groups are a central element of our community pillar, one where we gather, study the bible, and build relationships that go beyond the evening.

Thursdays at the Derwent’s @ 6:30


Sundays at the Heaton’s @ 4


Wednesdays at the Echelmeier’s @ 6


Sundays at the Rosentreter’s @4