Columbus is the capital of the Buckeye State and home to The Ohio State University, the third-largest university in the US. It is the 14th largest city in the US with a metro population of 2.4 million people, and, according to the Public Religion Research Institute, it is the 7th least religious. “Unaffiliated” is the largest religious group in the city at 24% which is followed closely by Catholicism at 22%. Currently, there is one Southern Baptist Church for every 15,555 people in Columbus leaving room for many more church plants. Our prayer is that we will be able to plant many more churches with the help of the North American Mission Board and the Pillar Network.



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After much prayer and work, we will plant Redemption Hill Church in Galloway, on the westside of Columbus. The area has approximately 50,000 people with only a handful of churches to serve them. An Islamic Mosque and Mormon Church characterize the community's religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity. We are eager to bring the good news of Jesus to this community.  

Galloway is where rural and urban come colliding together. A diverse city rapidly dissipates into midwestern farmland. Hijabs walk beside ball caps and Spanish echoes alongside English in the same rooms. Here the Gospel can transcend all barriers, uniting all people in Christ.